We're ENDORSED by Sonor Drums!!!

I am very excited I can hardly sit and write this!!  Bomb Shelter is now officially ENDORSED by Sonor Drums, who are part of their parent company Hohner, Inc.!!!!!!!!!

I also want to make sure to thank the people who have helped this become possible.  First Mr. Steven Steward who is a rep that works for The Fab Marketing Group, as well as plays in a band that rehearses here called Time Spent Burning.  Steve was kind enough to introduce me to Mr. J Medynski who is in Artist Relations at Sonor.  I am very glad that Sonor sees the potential in having their products placed at a rehearsal facility where the masses can come and play their products in a professional setting.  I look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with Sonor and I can't wait to get their kits in the rooms here!!  Thank you Steve and J, you're the best.

I'm actually pretty emotional about this whole thing.  I wanted to do this a long time ago when I first started the rehearsal studios, but I think that having this happen now is much much better timing.  I've been running the rehearsal studios here full time since last June and I've made lots of changes and upgrades to the facility.  I always want to provide my clients with quality equipment and first class customer service.  I'm really excited about the direction I'm taking with Bomb Shelter and hope that there will continue to be great things on the horizon.

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