Things that make you go hmmm...

About a week ago I noticed something different.  I have several drum thrones here at the rehearsal studios.  Someone decided that theirs wasn't working and was missing a part.  We happened to have the exact same drum thrones here and they were nice enough to swap us.  So now I have a Roc-n-Soc hydraulic lift drum throne with a cigarette burn in the seat and no lever so the lift part won't work.  NICE.
Thanks for swiping mine and leaving me your broke old one.
I'd love for someone to feel really guilty and bring mine back and swap it for theirs, but that most likely won't happen.  This is one of the reasons that it's hard to want to have nice gear for people to use.  Truth be told, things like this rarely happen so I'm only complaining a little.  Seriously folks, if you need something just ask.  You are always welcome to borrow my gear, but for cryin' out loud don't swap my nice stuff for your old stuff!!

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